Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Dated at :New Delhi, 07 DEC 2015


The Secretary, Department of Posts Dak Bhawan
New Delhi-1100001

Sub : Memorandum for Postmasters / LSG-HSG Supervisors pay upgradation in 7th CPC.

Res Madam,
With reference to 7th CPC report, this is to bring to your kind notice that 7th CPC has ignored completely the newly created Postmaster Cadre and LSG/HSG supervisory structure in operative side. It is to intimate that IPO and LSG cadre official were in the same pay structure during the 4th CPC. Though the recruitment procedure changed to one cadre the duties and responsibilities of Postmaster/Supervisor have enormously increased with introduction of computerisation in the post offices. It is felt by the cadre that neither department, nor CPC has taken any consideration for the changes being made in the department.
Though the department has agreed for cadre restructuring after the 6th CPC, the recommendations agreed and approved by unions/associations have remained in liquid state till date and no action has been initiated in this direction before 7th CPC, neither the department, nor 7th CPC has recommended any revision of pay structure for Postmaster Cadre/LSG-HSG Supervisors.
The 7th CPC has recommended 5400 grade pay to Group B cadre and forgot to note that the Sr. Postmaster also belongs to Group B and his/her grade pay also must be fixed at 5400 instead of 4800.
In a broad sense, the officials wait for the CPCs to project their issues to Government through departments to improve their pay structures/promotions with respect to the change of work brought in the departments during the previous CPC to present CPC. Though the Department of posts has increased and introduced many products and changed the savings bank structure for last 20 years, no improvement has been brought in the promotion and pay structure in the operative side. The operative staff have felt that some changes would definitely come in the post offices with the introduction of Postmaster Cadre in their promotions and pay structure. The Postmaster Cadre has definitely improved and uplifted the post offices when compared before the introduction of the cadre and failed to gain anything to project their achievements due to lack of interest in the cadre in the existing unions.
This association feels that this is the only department where there is no differentiation has been made between the previous cadre to promotion cadre in the pay structure but increases the responsibilities enormously for the officials and, hence, lot of promotions have been denied by the officials and posts remained vacant for years and officials are not willing to take-up the promotion position due to lack of charm in occupying the promoted post.
This association salutes to the person who has thought of introducing the Postmaster Cadre to fill up atleast 1/3rd of Postmaster posts through direct examination to improve the post offices and promotion avenues to Postal Assistants. It is requested to continue the same spirit and grow up the brain child, postmaster cadre of department and request the following grade pay structure to postmasters/supervisors to uplift the morality in the officials:

Grade Pay
Sr Postmaster
As Recommended by 7th CPC for Group B
Postmaster Gr II I/ HSG I

Postmaster Gr II / HSG II

Postmaster Gr I / LSG

 And, With reference to the 7th CPC report, this Association will like to bring your kind notice regarding major discrepancies was found in the report.


The 7th Pay Commission Report contains Errors, Mistakes and suppression of Facts especially for the Postmaster Cadre.
The Following are noticed in the Para 11.8.16

1.  There is NO LDCE for Postmaster Grade II

2.  There is NO LDCE for Postmaster Grade III

3.  The column Method of Filling Contains errors ie Referred as POSTMAN instead of Postmaster.

4.  The Pay Commission has concluded that after 6 years of Service in PM Grade I the Promotion to Grade II will be automatically provided for participation in the LDCE for Sr. Postmaster.
5.  when an inspector Post can jump from 4600/- grade pay to 5400/- grade pay after 6 years , how come a Postmaster Cadre Official can jump from Grade II ie 4200/- to 5400/- and it is not fully justified

Suppression of Facts
Para 11.8.17

“There are demands that officers of this cadre should be permitted for Sr. PM Examinations..” if its so..
What about the other demands of this cadre..???? and why the other demands was suppressed in the Report.
Para 11.8.18

The Pay commission has significantly accepted the merits of this cadre and admitted that this cadre has been given distinct emphasis. It also justifies the demands of this cadre.

The officials who are going to get II MACP after  2016 has to undergo severe financial loss.

The Pay Matrix provided by the Commission does not take up the difference in grade pay for MACP II while promotion from 2800/- to 4200/-.
Present basic
pay as on 01.07.2016
after MACP II  (two Increments )

The officials have to lose nearly 2500/- in their basic pay. The following example will illustrate the fact..

Fixation in 7th PC

as on 1.01.2016  16750
x 2.57
after 1st increment

MACP fixation

1 increment only

corresponding fixation to
next level

Fixation of Pay After MACP II on July 2016 19180 x 2.57      - 49292.60 rounded to                     49293/- corresponding Pay in Level 6                                                  50500/- Loss in Basic 50500 - 47600 =                       2900/-
Hence officials will opt Pay fixation after obtaining MACP II and have to forego from 01.01.2016.

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