Thursday, 17 December 2015

No. 18-41/2014-Bldg
Government of India
Ministry of Communications and Information Technology
Department of Posts
(Estates Division)
Dated: 17th December, 2015

            All Heads of Circles

Sub:     Special Campaign under Swachh Bharat Mission from 18th to 27th December, 2015.

Respected Sir/ Madam,
As you are aware, Government attaches great importance to the need for improving cleanliness including in the Government offices. Under Swachh Bharat Mission, Circles and field units have been undertaking Action Plan for furthering the cause of cleanliness. Futher, special focus needs to be given to the regular cleaning and proper upkeep of office premises, review and weeding of records and disposal of obsolete and unused items as well as repair, paining and sprucing of the street letter box and Post Office signage etc.  Digitization of records and documents would also ensure tidy workspaces.

             Now Government of India had decided to observe a Special Campaign in all Ministries/Departments from 18th to 27th December, 2015.  Accordingly, a day to day Action Plan for the said Special Campaign is enclosed compliance.

            The undersigned is directed to request you to forward Action Taken Report (attached) from time to time as mentioned therein as per the enclosed format including through email( You are also requested to forward some good photographs of before and after action taken for uploading in social media and website.      
Yours faithfully,

 (K.R. Sharma)
 Director(E & MM)

Encl: (i) Action Plan

Special Campaign (18th to 27th December 2015)

Action Taken report to be sent by date
Cleaning of all  Post Offices(Departmental building)/RMS Units/Postal Staff College/Postal Training Centers(PTCs)/PSDs
18th to 27th   December 2015
28th  December 2015
Cleaning of Post Offices (Rented building) & RMS Offices
21st to 27th December 2015
28th December 2015
Cleaning of Branch Post Offices
18th to 27th December 2015
28th December 2015
Cleaning of Administrative Offices
19th, 20th & 23rd to 26th December 2015
28th  December 2015
Cleaning of Postal Colonies
26th and 27thDecember 2015
28th December 2015
Review & Weeding of Old records and obsolete/unused items with due procedure

19th to 24th December 2015
28th December 2015
Meeting for raising awareness of their Postal Staff (Post offices/RMS/Administrative Offices.
19th , 20th December 2015 and 23rd to 26thDecember 2015
28th December 2015
Display banners on ‘Special Campaign’ in Circle Offices/Regional Offices/ Major Head Post offices & major RMS units.
By 20th December 2015
21st December 2015
Joint cleaning of the surroundings of Postal units with Local authorities.
23rd & 24th December 2015
28th December 2015
Digitization of POSB and PLI/RPLI records
18th to 27th December 2015
28th December 2015
Tree Plantation
19th, 20th  & 24th, to 27th December 2015
28th December 2015

Action to be taken by CGM: Uploading of photographs of Special Campaign drive with field unit on Social media and website of the department.

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